This map illustrate a regional morphometric Analysis for our lovely Africa continent, its showing the major drainage basins & streams classified according to Strahler’s stream ordering methods, with highlighting the Nile River basin.
Also this map include Rose plot showing the directional data for all streams & Rose plots showing each stream order separately for the whole study area and another rose plots for Nile basin streams only.
This analysis runs based on GEBCO’S-2014 global land & oceans
bathymetric data sets (30arcsecond) credit to the British Oceanographic Data Centre.
For more information about GEBCO-2014 grid:
The product details:
- Layout Size: A0
- Files format: PNG
- Map scale: 1:10,000,000
- Main data frame for Africa continent.
- Another data frame for Nile basin.
- Coordinate System: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere
There are 2 products:
1st with Satellite Imagery in background.
2nd with Shaded relief from GEBCO’S DEM grid in background.
Thanx 😍