Applying different Band Ratio composites on Sentinel-2 Imagery which equivalent to same band ratios applied on Landsat 7&8 as ( Abrams ratio, Kaufman ratio & Sultan ratio) Which used in geological applications such as mapping of Lithology, Alterations & Mineralisations.
Note:Final product textured with hillshade derived from SRTM V3 (1arcsecond)
عمل اكثر من رائع فى تمييز انواع الوحدات الصخرية
جزاكم الله خير
قريبا ان شاء الله سنقوم بنشر سلسه فيديوهات لتصنيف الوحدات الصخريه من مرئيات سينتنال 2
شكرا على هذا العمل المفيد فى فصل الصخور
Interesting…How do you interpret the results? What do the different colours show?
That depending on your practice and the study area,
first you should detect the purpose of your study, then choose suitable band ratio to highlight your target features as Alteration, Mineralisations, Lithology, Vegetation, Urban… etc, plus collecting spectral signature from your target features for applying accuracy assessment
Thanks for the response. I’m not a geologist but it sounds very interesting.
Very good work Joe