GEBCO’s gridded bathymetric data set 2019(15 arc-second grid) is now available to download for free

The GEBCO_2019 Grid is the latest global bathymetric product released by the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) and has been developed through the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO.

The GEBCO_2019 product provides global coverage, spanning 89° 59′ 52.5”N, 179° 59′ 52.5”W to 89° 59′ 52.5”S, 179° 59′ 52.5”E on a 15 arc-second grid. It consists of 86400 rows x 43200 columns, giving 3,732,480,000 data points. The data values are pixel-centre registered i.e. they refer to elevations at the centre of grid cells.

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Historical GEBCO data sets

  • Version-1:
    GEBCO’s first global bathymetric grid, the GEBCO One Minute Grid, was released in 2003. Since then a number of GEBCO grids have been published.
  • Version-2
    A global grid at 30 arc-second intervals. Originally published in 2014, last updated in April 2015. The data set is largely based on a database of ship-track soundings with interpolation between soundings guided by satellite-derived gravity data. Where they improve on this model, data sets generated from other methods are included.
Grid nameLatest release yearGrid interval
GEBCO One Minute Grid2008One arc-minute
GEBCO_2014201530 arc-seconds
GEBCO_2019 201915 arc-seconds

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