The GEBCO_2019 Grid is the latest global bathymetric product released by the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) and has been developed through the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO
Find the DEM grid layer covering the Red Sea & Mediterranean Sea areas in GeoTiff format (15 arc-second)
Projection: Geographic / WGS84
Size after unzip: 215 MB
Download here
Find also generated 3D contour layer in ESRI shapefile for Red Sea & Mediterranean Sea floors as following details:
Red Sea:
Interval: 50 Meter
Projection: Geographic / WGS84
Size after unzip: 12 MB
Download Shapefile
Mediterranean Sea:
Interval: 50 Meter
Projection: Geographic / WGS84
Size after unzip: 96 MB
Download Shapfile
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